My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I’m so glad Yin and Air got their own story. I enjoyed the glimpses into their relati0nship throughout the Dreams series, and American Christmas satisfied my desire for a closer look.
These two are super sweet together and, while I did enjoy most of their interactions, the main plot of the story didn’t seem to fit with the Ari and Yin I had gotten to know.
The next part is slightly spoilery, so continue reading at your own risk.
Their Christmas gifts for each other threw me off. I didn’t expect them to get as upset with each other as they did and, especially for Ari to need a talk with Patrice. I would have expected, with the connection and deep love they have for each other, that they would have taken it all in stride, figured out a solution to the obstacles, and moved on. Given the hardships both had gone through as immigrants, I would have expected more value to be placed on the memory making rather than the extravagant cost of the gifts.
So, while I enjoyed the sweet moments, the main conflict, for me, didn’t ring true to the characters.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.