My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Another fantastic story featuring characters of color written by an author of color. We need more of these stories!
Andre and Marcus have complicated relationships with their families that affect how each are living their lives as adults. The dynamics are uncomfortable at times, and I appreciated the realism with which the family members and their interactions with the MCs were written.
One of my favorite tropes is the kind of surprise in the beginning of the story. I won’t give away any details, but will say the MCs reactions were spectacular. I enjoyed the progression of MCs feelings and relationship with each other.
Fiona is the best side character. She’s fierce and confident and commands respect. We need strong female characters and she fits the bill. And she has some great, memorable lines:
“Whatever’s going on with you, fix your face and get it together. No one has time for man babies here.”
Can I get her backstory?
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Andre and Marcus’ story and look forward to what Ellis is store next for her DC crew.
***ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.***