My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Audiobook review
Overall rating: 3.5 stars Summary of review: A low angst, fun story with narration that could use more oomph.
Narration: 3 stars
James Edward Jones is a new-to-me narrator, and it usually take a while for me to get accustomed to a narrator’s style. Jones’ performance is no exception.
Differentiation in the voices of the two MCs was rare, making it difficult to determine who was speaking if the dialogue tags weren’t obvious. And the sister’s voice was the same as all the other characters. I prefer a wider range of voices and inflections.
I did thoroughly enjoy drunk Beau, though; it was super cute.
Story: 4 stars
For me, the story was more lust than love. There was so much chemistry between Adam and Beau, but the romantic love part was lost on me. I felt they needed to get to know one another better.
I did enjoy how Adam took care of Beau, and Beau’s stubbornness in wanting to not be dependent on Adam.
The parallels to Beauty and the Beast were lovely. Who doesn’t love a huge library?
I liked how both MCs had the same level of education and worked together to get their GEDs.
Overall, Beauregard and the Beast was a sweet read.
***Big thanks to the author for generously providing a copy in exchange for an honest review.***