My rating: 4 of 5 stars
***Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.***
TW/CW: mental illness, suicide, drug and alcohol addiction
This was an emotional read, chocked full of the hard truths of mental illness.
“If only I could be unconscious constantly, I felt life might be bearable.”
It was interesting to read different perspectives of Ash and his actions, including from Ash himself. I began guess the twist a bit before it was revealed, but I wouldn’t say that took away from the story at all.
Ash was written so well as a lost boy, recovering from a suicide attempt while continuing to deal with the depression that led him on this path.
“I can’t remember the last time I went for a week without thinking about dying.”
His conveyed thoughts were easy to identify with as someone who also suffers from depression.
“I have to try so, so hard at every single little thing I do. I get out of bed, and I feel like I’ve run a marathon.”
While I felt Ash was a great character, I had issues with his brother, Elliot, and the adults in his life. Elliot has his own demons, and it seemed like no one–maybe aside from Ash who was not in any position to take care of anyone, in my opinion–wanted to help him. And the adults–the foster parents and one teacher, in particular–seemed to recognize that Ash needed help but didn’t act.
I also had issues with the way Ash dealt with his mental illness. Without giving too much away, I don’t agree that his method was a cure-all.
In short, great mental illness rep and interesting twist, but lacking in responsible authority figures.