My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Where There’s a Kilt is such a delightful read. The ghosts are back, along with other supernatural figures. I had so much fun reading about Ainsley and Joachim’s shenanigans in Sweden. Ainsley is the same self-absorbed, clueless, scatterbrained character, and Joachim is a great companion for him with his better grasp of reality. There’s the return of one minor character from Best Laid Plaids, who gets more of a starring role with a mysterious background. I loved getting to know this character better. There’s also the addition a several interesting characters, one an American who is quirky and becomes a surprising ally for Joachim.
I enjoyed book 2 just as much as Book 1, and I’m very much looking forward to Book 3.
***Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.***