My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A bittersweet end to one of my favorite series of all time.
The mystery of Juan Pablo and Priscilla’s on again-off again, love/hate relationship is solved! The moment these two characters were introduced in American Dreamer, the first book in Herrera’s Dreamers series, I was DYING to know their backstory.
I loved getting to know JuanPa and Pris, the last two single members of the tight group of friends from NYC. The love-hate is strong! They are so obviously meant for each other, even then they are at each other’s throats. The sexy times are hot and kinky (hello, sex toys!), and the tender moments are sweet but not sappy.
The social justice themes continue in American Sweethearts. Herrera has a way of weaving important, relevant issues into her romance without coming off as lecturing. I’ve learned a lot from this series.