My rating: 5 of 5 stars
***ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for honest review.***
Holy moly, does this author know how to do a cliffhanger! The prior two Seven of Spades books kept me riveted, and Cash Plays was no different. My only complaint is the wait between books!
Not only does the author kill it with the cliffhangers, but she also rocks at suspense, drama, action, and gore; four things I love in a mystery/thriller story. Oh, and let me not forget the romance and sizzling hot chemistry between Levi and Dominic. Is there nothing she hasn’t mastered?
The attention to detail in every aspect of the story blew my mind. Every kick, punch, swing, and maneuver is laid out in such explicit detail that I’m sure one would have no problem executing each fight scene just as the author imagined. It isn’t only the fight sequences that thoroughly laid out. The author does an excellent job of setting each scene and depicting an array of emotions.
We get more insight into the Seven of Spades and their evolution as a vigilante for justice. I have an idea who might be this elusive killer, but I’ll keep mum because just when I think I know what’s going to happen, PLOT TWIST! Yeah, the author is badass at those too. Several new characters are introduced without becoming overwhelming or muddling up the story.
In short, this installment of Seven of Spades did not disappoint. It’s intense with each turn of the page, and had me wanting more.